Source Files

CSS Source Files

Template use css source files, And all files are open source.


A CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) source file is a text-based document used in web development to define the visual appearance and layout of HTML elements on a webpage. It contains a set of rules and declarations that dictate how elements should be displayed, such as fonts, colors, spacing, positioning, and more. CSS files are separate from HTML files, allowing for a clear separation of content and presentation in web design. Web browsers use the information in CSS files to render web pages according to the specified styles, enhancing the overall look and user experience of the website.

JS Source Files

Template use js source files, And all files are open source.


A JavaScript (JS) source file is a text-based document used in web development to add interactivity and dynamic behavior to web pages. It contains code written in the JavaScript programming language, which allows developers to manipulate HTML elements, handle user interactions, make API requests, and perform various tasks on the client side. JavaScript files are typically used to create responsive and interactive web applications by altering the content and behavior of a webpage without requiring a full page reload. When a web browser encounters JavaScript code in a file, it executes the code and enables dynamic features that enhance user engagement and overall functionality.

Credit Source Files

CSS files
  • Bootstrap
  • Material Design Icons
  • Remixicon
  • Prism
JS files
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
  • Prism
Google Fonts
  • Poppins
  • Nunito
  • Material Icons
  • Remix Icons
  • Freepik
  • Unsplash
  • Pexels