

Template use font families "Poppins" & "Nunito". Go to SCSS folder > base > _typography.scss

HTML head tag includes h1 to h6. and also available classes ".h1" to ".h6" in bootstrap.

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Heading tag h1

Heading tag h2

Heading tag h3

Heading tag h4

Heading tag h5
Heading tag h6

Heading tag h1

Heading tag h2

Heading tag h3

Heading tag h4

Heading tag h5
Heading tag h6

Typography in documentation involves selecting readable fonts, maintaining appropriate font sizes, creating a hierarchy with varying styles, spacing lines for clarity, and using whitespace and alignment to balance content. Ensure good contrast, use bullet points for lists, maintain consistency, and prioritize accessibility for a visually pleasing and easily understandable document.

Color Style

Just use classes to change color".text-primary, .text-secondary, .text-success, .text-danger, .text-warning and .text-info" in bootstrap.

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Heading tag h1

Heading tag h2

Heading tag h3

Heading tag h4

Heading tag h5
Heading tag h6

Heading tag h1

Heading tag h2

Heading tag h3

Heading tag h4

Heading tag h5
Heading tag h6


Template use two types of icons library "Material Icons" & "Remix Icons". Add material icon & remix icon link on head tag.

Material Icon
Remix Icon

Code Preview

Template use code library Prism. Add a prism css on the head tag.


Add the prism js, bottom of the body tag.

Simple code


Responsive images

Images in Bootstrap are made responsive with .img-fluid. max-width: 100%; and height: auto; are applied to the image so that it scales with the parent element.

Responsive image
Responsive image
Image thumbnails

In addition to our border-radius utilities, you can use .img-thumbnail to give an image a rounded 1px border appearance.

Thumbnail image
Thumbnail image
Image Style

Four types of image style in template: .img-rectangle, .img-round-radius, .img-round, .img-pill.

rectangle image round radius image round image pill image
Thumbnail image